Chapter 21: SNMPv3
414 Section IV: SNMPv3
The Display SNMPv3 Target Parameters Table menu is shown in
Figure 147.
Figure 150. Display SNMPv3 Target Parameters Table Menu
Displaying the
Display SNMPv3
Table Menu
This section describes how to display the Display SNMPv3 Community
Table menu. For information about the SNMPv3 Community Table
parameters, see “Creating an SNMPv3 Community Table Entry” on
page 399.
To display the Display SNMPv3 Community Table menu, perform the
following procedure.
1. Display the Display SNMPv3 Table menu by performing steps 1
through 3 in “Displaying the Display SNMPv3 User Table Menu” on
page 408. Or, from the Main menu type 5->5->6.
2. From the Display SNMPv3 Table menu, type 8 to select Display
SNMPv3 Community Table.
Allied Telesis AT-9424T/SP - AT-S63
User: Manager 11:20:02 02-Mar-2005
Display SNMPv3 Target Parameters Table
Target Parameters Name ... TargetIndex21
Message Processing Model . v3
Security Model ........... v3
Security Name ............ wilson
Security Level ........... AuthPriv
Storage Type ............. NonVolatile
Row Status ............... Active
U - Update Display
R - Return to Previous Menu
Enter your selection?