Chapter 2: Port Parameters
78 Section I: Basic Operations
Forcing Port Renegotiation
Port renegotiation prompts a port operating in Auto-Negotiation to
renegotiate its speed and duplex mode with its end node. This option is
useful if you believe that a port and end node are not operating at the
same speed and duplex mode.
To force port renegotiation, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, type 1 to select Port Configuration.
The Port Configuration menu is shown in Figure 13 on page 62.
2. From the Port Configuration menu, type 1 to select Port Configuration.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter port-list ->
3. Enter the number of the port to renegotiate its speed and duplex
mode. You can reset more than one port at a time. You can specify the
ports individually (for example, 5,7,22), as a range (for example, 18-
23), or both (for example 1,5,14-22).
The Port Configuration menu is shown in Figure 15 on page 65.
4. From the Port Configuration menu, type F to select Force