Chapter 21: SNMPv3
320 Section IV: SNMPv3
Configuring SNMPv3 Entities
This section describes how to configure SNMPv3 entities using the
SNMPv3 Tables. To successfully configure this protocol, you must
perform the procedures in the order given.
The following SNMPv3 tables are described:
“Configuring the SNMPv3 User Table,” next
“Configuring the SNMPv3 View Table” on page331
“Configuring the SNMPv3 Access Table” on page340
“Configuring the SNMPv3 SecurityToGroup Table” on page 356
“Configuring the SNMPv3 Notify Table” on page364
“Configuring the SNMPv3 Target Address Table” on page 372
“Configuring the SNMPv3 Target Parameters Table” on page 385
“Configuring the SNMPv3 Community Table” on page398
The SNMPv3 User, View, Access, and SecurityToGroup tables are
concerned with setting up a user, determining authentication and privacy,
and associating a user to a security group. The SNMPv3 Notify, Target
Address, and Target Parameters tables are concerned with message
notification. You use the SNMPv3 Community Table to configure SNMPv1
and SNMPv2 communities.
Due to the complexity of the SNMPv3 configuration, Allied Telesis
recommends that you configure the SNMPv3 protocol with the procedures
listed above, in the order they are listed. However, you can configure the
SNMPv3 protocol using the above procedures in any order.