Toll fraud
Avaya’s security design
Telecommunications systems face significant and growing problems of theft of customer services. Toll fraud, the unauthorized use of a system and its facilities by a third party, can result in substantial additional charges for telecommunications services.
Avaya makes every effort to assist customers in their battle against “hackers” through the technology that goes into every Avaya product. Avaya Communication Manager is designed with security in mind, and offers many features and capabilities to help maintain security and prevent toll fraud:
●Your company completely controls its communication facilities.
●Your company completely controls its communication’s security policy and features.
●Your company can make immediate changes at any time.
Each new release of Communication Manager addresses customer needs for even greater security capabilities, including enhancements to support the recent changes in the North American Numbering Plan.
Hacking methods
Hackers often facilitate toll fraud activity by gaining access to:
●A system's administration or maintenance port by randomly dialing thousands of telephone numbers, and then attempt to log in using default passwords. Statistical sampling indicates there is a high likelihood that customers still have one or more default passwords in place on their telecommunications system. This allows hackers to completely modify the system to allow toll fraud activity.
●A system’s remote access port, and then use the remote access feature.
●A voice messaging system, and then transfer their calls to outgoing facilities.
To aid in combating these crimes, Avaya continuously works with its customers and supporting law enforcement officials to apprehend and prosecute those criminals.
Issue 6 January 2008 241