Call usage rates
The general formula that is used to determine the expanded intercom CUR entries in Table 31 is:
CUR generated by stations of type t in Site i | = fi t ⋅ fj t ⋅ (intercom CUR from Site i to Site j ) |
and terminated by stations of type t in Site j |
● “Type t” refers to IP or
| t |
| number of type t stations in Site i |
● | fi | = | |
| t |
| number of type t stations in Site j |
● | fj | = |
Now that the intercom CURs have been determined, CURs that involve trunks will be addressed. First, because Communication Manager systems are rarely used to route PSTN traffic, all of the COI matrix entries that correspond to
According to Table 26, the inbound PSTN usage that arrives on Site 1 trunks and terminates at Site 1 stations is 49 Erlangs. We have already determined that 63% of the stations in Site 1 are IP and 37% are circuit switched. Therefore, the Uniform Distribution model implies that 63% of the 49 Erlangs (that is, 30.9 Erlangs) is inbound to Site 1 IP stations, and 37% of the 49 Erlangs (that is, 18.1 Erlangs) is inbound to Site 1
Issue 6 January 2008 195