5-32 Compact T1 - Release 6.1
CLI Commands
clear (ds1)
Use the clear (ds1) command to clear specified DS1 performance data.
Syntax: clear {ds1-addr} performance {setting}
Example: clear a:1 performance all
Clears all performance data on DS1 1 (port 1) on the Controller card (slot A).
DS1 address in the format {slot:port}.
clear log
Use the clear log command to clear the event log. This will clear the log without asking for
Syntax: clear log
slot A for the controller card, or 1-6 for service cards.
port Port number range or all.
all Clear all performance data
bes Clear bes (bursty errored seconds) performance data.
css Clear css (controlled slip seconds) performance data.
dm Clear dm (degraded minutes) performance data.
es Clear es (errored seconds) performance data.
lcv Clear lcv (line code violations) performance data.
les Clear les (line errored seconds) performance data.
pcv Clear pcv (path code violations) performance data.
sefs Clear sefs (severely errored frame seconds) performance data.
ses Clear ses (severely errored seconds) performance data.
uas Clear uas (unavailable seconds) performance data.