Compact T1 - Release 6.1 5-261
CLI Commands
status (fxs5G)
Use the status (fxs5G) to display the current near-end line status of the specified FXS 5G card.
Syntax: status {fxs5G-addr}
Example: status 4:1
The example displays status of port 1 (FXS 5G) o n sl ot 4.
> status 4:1
FXS Rx AB Tx AB Signal=>T1 Sig T1 TP
--- ----- ----- -------------- ----------------- --
4:1 01 01 LS => LS Traffic N
Display Descriptions
DS0 - Identifies location of DS0
Rx AB - AB bits received by the FXS or FXO port (real-time)
Tx AB - AB bits transmitted by the FXS or FXO port (real-time)
Signal - Signaling mode for which the FXS or FXO port is configured
T1 - Status of the T1 (Traffic, Loss of Signal, Loss of Framing, Loopback)
TP - Trunk Processing (Y = yes, N = no)
slot The slot number (1-6) that contains the FXS 5G card
port Port number or range.
gs Set to Ground Start signaling
gsrb Set to Ground Start signaling with reverse battery
gsw Set to Ground Start Wink signaling
gswb Set to Ground Start Wink signalling with reverse battery
ls Set to Loop Start signaling
lsrb Set to Loop Start signaling with reverse battery