5-20 Compact T1 - Release 6.1
CLI Commands
add (router-wan) firewall
Use the add (router-wan) firewall command to add a firewall rule to a WAN.
Syntax: add {rtr_card-addr} {"wan-name"} firewall
{rule-number} {drop|pass} {incoming|inout|outgoing}
{alarm|log|nolog} {service} {dest-ip-addr/bits} {src-
Example: add 3 "LosAngeles" firewall 1 pass incoming nolog http
The example will add a firewall rule that allows HTTP (TCP port 80) access
from any outside host to an inside web server at to the Router card
in slot 3.
The slot number (1-6) that contains the Router (IP or CMG) card.
The WAN interface to modify. The name must be enclosed in quotes.
Firewall rules are processed in sequence until the first matching rule is found.
drop Do not allow the packet to be forwarded
pass Allow the packet to be forwarded
incoming Matches packets for sessions originated from an outside host
inout Matches packets for sessions originated from either an inside or outside
outgoing Matches packets for sessions originated from an inside host
alarm Add an entry to alarm log for packets that match this rule
log Add an entry to event log for packets that match this rule
nolog Do not add an entry to the logs for packets that match this rule