Compact T1 - Release 6.1 5-55
CLI Commands
delete (router-wan) static mac address
Use the delete (router-wan) static mac address command to delete a static MAC address
entry from the specified WAN interface.
Syntax: delete {rtr_card-addr} {"wan-name"} static mac address
Example: delete 3 "LosAngeles" static mac address
The example will add a static MAC address, 00:e0:97:00:e9:cd to the WAN
"LosAngeles" on the Router card in slot 3.
The slot number (1-6) that contains the Router (IP or CMG) card.
The WAN interface to modify. The name must be enclosed in quotes.
The MAC address to add to the learned address table for the LAN, in the form
0xxxxxxxxxxxxx. Please note the address is preceeded by 0x.