16-2 Compact T1 - Release 6.1
Software Upgrade
Software Upgrade

Minimum Version Levels

Before starting a software upgrade, you must ensure that the Commpact T1 unit has the
correct software and hardware versions. The first set of instructions below show how
to determine the boot software version level in the unit. This is the simplest way to
confirm these versions.

Determining Boot Code Software Level

1. Start a CLI session on the Commpact T1 using a terminal emulation program
or via Telnet.
2. After login, type status equipment at the CLI prompt.
A message similar to the following should appear:
> status equipment
BootCode Version: 1.18
CardType Status SW Vers
-------- ------ -------
SLOT A T1x2 Present 1.4
SLOT 1 FXSx8 Not resent
SLOT 2 FXSx8 Present 1.09
SLOT 3 T1x4 Present 1.36
SLOT 4 BRIx4 Present 1.00
SLOT 5 T1x4 Present 1.36
SLOT 6 FXSx8 Present 1.09
The BootCode Version must be at least 1.04. If it is less, contact Customer Servicce for
a required hardware upgrade.