Compact T1 - Release 6.1 16-7


Backup Controller Configuration
Backup Controller Configuration
A text file from the current configuration can be generated to reload the in the event th e
configuration has been lost due to card or software problems. The download of the file,
generated by the print config command, can be done by direct connect to the
RS-232 port or via Telnet. The upload of the file from the PC back to theController can
only be done via direct RS-232 connection. This is because the Controller will be at
factory default and an IP address is not assigned to the Unit.

Save Controller Configuration

The following example is shown with a HyperTerm session, with Telnet selections in
parenthesis, other programs may be used and the process is similar, however the menu
selections may be different.
1. Start a HyperTerm session to an Commpact T1.
2. Type the CLI command print config and do not hit [ENTER].
3. Type select Transfer/Capture Text from the drop-down menu.
(Telnet - Terminal/Start Logging)
4. Name the file, select OK.
5. Return to the CLI command print config and hit [ENTER].
This process will exclude the print config command itself, from the
configuration file you are creating.
6. (Telnet - Select Terminal/Stop Logging).
7. Save configuration file as a .txt file, if n ecessary (Telnet will create a .log file,
which will need to be "saved as" a .txt file).