6-8 Compact T1 - Release 6.1
T1 Controller Card
Options on the Controller card are set by the DIP switches or the Command Line
Interface (CLI).
NOTE: The default IP address for the Controller is
CLI Commands
The following commands are used to configure the Controller card. For detailed
information on these commands, see Chapter 5, CLI Commands.
l connect
Creates two-way connections between channels
l disconnect
Removes a connection created by the conn ect command
l set clock
Sets the primary and secondary transmit clock
l set date
Sets the date for the system
l set (ds1)
Sets up the DS1 interfaces (up, down, bpviolation, fdl, framing, id string,
lbo, line loopup, linecode, loopdetect, payload, threshold)
l set ipds0
Sets up the DS0 management channel (assign, disable, down, IP address , up)
l show (ds1)
Displays current settings for DS1 (circuit ID , up, down, framing, line
coding, clock source, line build out, loop code detection, l oop back, fdl type )
l show ipds0
Displays the settings for the DS0 management channel
l status (ds1)
Displays the status of the DS1 (receive, transmit, loopback)
l status ipds0
Display the status of the DS0 management channel