Compact T1 - Release 6.1 B-7

Diagnostices & Troubleshooting

Loopbacks Overview
Loopbacks Overview
A loopback test is a diagnostic procedure in which a signal is transm itte d and re tu rned
to the sending device after passing through all or a portio n of a ne twork o r cir cuit . The
returned signal is compared with the transm itted signal in order to evaluate the integrity
of the equipment or transmission path. The following are the Loopbacks available.
T1 Loopbacks
OCU-DP Loopbacks
lManual OCU Loopback
lManual CSU Loopback
lOCU Latching Loopback
lCSU Latching Loopback
lDSU Latching Loopback
lDSU Non-Latching Loopback
lCSU Non-Latching Loopback
lOCU Non-Latching Loopback
lOCU Manual Loopback
lCSU Manual Loopback

Card Line Equipment Payload CSU

Controller T1 Yes No Yes Yes
Quad T1 Yes Yes Yes Yes
V.35 T1 Yes Yes No No
V.54 T1 Yes Yes No No