Entry Channel Mode (ECM) Switching
Entry Channel Mode (ECM) Switching
STDMA entry channel mode provides a method for remotes requiring SCPC access channels to
Initial SCPC rates are settable for each remote in the STDMA group(s). Upon detection of a burst map acknowledgement from a remote the STDMA burst controller will send a switch request to the VMS with the operator specified initial SCPC rate. Upon determining that there is an available demodulator and pool bandwidth the VMS will send a
Entry channel mode is not driven by the presence or absence of customer traffic. Once in ECM the switched initial data rate becomes the new temporary home state. Temporary home state sets the low limit data load threshold, where the remote will stop sending load switch request commands. Remotes no longer require burst maps to maintain SCPC transmission.
After all remotes are processed into ECM, the Burst Controller drops into sanity mode sending a keep alive map to service remotes which may have their SCPC carrier inhibit flag set. The keep alive message is sent once every two seconds until
Applications Switching
Comtech Vipersat Networks describes the features of applications switching in the VMS 3.x.x Users Guide. As it relates to this application, it is useful to describe the
If the VMS loses communications with a switched remote for more than three minutes, it will attempt to return the remote to home state. If the
If the
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