Chapter 3 - Using the Command Line Interface (CLI) 3-37
Vipersat Configuration
configuration data, including the CDM-570/570L’s IP address. When the VMS
receives the unicast response, it registers the CDM-570/570L on the network.
Enter V at the command prompt in the Vipersat Configuration screen
(figure 3-5) to display the dialog shown in figure 3-49.
Figure 3-49
Receive Multicast IP Address prompt
Switch requests can be unicast to the VMS server and unicast switch commands
received from the VMS by the CDM-570/570L. For more information on this
process, refer to the VMS User Guide.
Managing IP Address
The Managing IP Address command in the Vipersat Configuration screen
(figure 3-5) allows the IP address for the server running VMS to be entered.
Enter I at the command prompt to display the dialog shown in figure3-50.
Figure 3-50
Managing IP address menu
If available, this is the IP address to which the CDM-570/570L sends a unicast
registration request every 60 seconds when requesting initial registration on the
VMS network. Later the CDM-570/570L uses this address to send switch
requests, network health messages, etc. to the managing VMS server.
Primary Heart Beat
This menu item appears for the Hub modem only.
The Primary Heart Beat feature is a redundancy heart beat message for primary
Hub units that provides the option for a periodic communications check
message to be sent from the Hub modem to the VMS for backup recovery in