Product Description
modem parameters are now preserved across firmware upgrades and reboots, eliminating a potential cause of communications failure.
Vipersat File Streaming (VFS)
The Vipersat File Streaming feature option allows data files to be streamed over the Vipersat network at high transmission rates between PC hosts running the VFS application.
Automatic Home State Control (Remote Unit)
VMS communications management of Remote units is now improved with the Home State Revert feature. By configuring a time value (in minutes) in the VMS for each Remote in the network, resource recovery is performed on SCPC connections when a communications failure occurs between the VMS and a Remote, such as a rain fade condition, a Remote unit power down, or a hard- ware failure. Should communications be lost for more than the selected time period, the Remote will automatically revert to its Home State settings and the VMS will remove all allocated resources (bandwidth, demod(s)), freeing them for use by any other Remotes in the network.
ECM User Defined Switch Type
New SCPC switching flexibility is provided by the Entry Channel Mode (ECM)
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