Firmware Upgrade
Figure D-9 Configuration File Text
If this text is not displayed, Save to flash again, get the configuration and check for them in the configuration file once more. Note that the contents of the text lines will differ based on the actual configuration and modem type.
Upgrade Base Modem to v1.5.1
The Base Modem upgrades have to be done in 2 steps. This is necessary because the memory map changed with the v1.4.x firmware and v1.3.3 is not capable of writing directly to v1.5.x firmware.
Upgrade Image 1 on Base Modem to v1.4.5
Select Base Modem under Mode Selection, then click Browse. Two files named FW10805 will appear. Select the file name that ends with “P”; this is the v1.4.5 firmware file.
Figure D-10 Browse for Firmware File
Put the v1.4.5 modem firmware using the appropriate selected mode (Consecu- tive, Concurrent, or CodeCast).
Appendix D - Network Migration |