Vipersat Configuration
group. The burstmap is a proprietary message sent from the Hub to all remotes, at regular intervals, specifying the relative start time and duration for each terminal to transmit.
To change the current address, enter N at the command prompt to display the dialog shown in figure
Figure 3-10 Burstmap Multicast IP prompt
Outbound IP
This menu item, which appears for all Hub configurations, displays the current Outbound IP address. This specifies the Hub device that is supplying the TDM outbound to the satellite (typically a
To change the target address of the TDM outbound for DPC messages for the STDMA controller, enter O at the command prompt to display the dialog shown in figure
Figure 3-11 Outbound IP prompt
Cycles Per Burst Map
This menu item, which appears for all Hub types except Dynamic Cycle and GIR, displays the number of spin cycles that occur prior to each broadcast of the burstmap. This parameter can be modified from the Hub
On Remote units, this menu item is an
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