Firmware Upgrade
Get Information for Router v1.5.3
Figure D-7 Unit Information screen (Router)
The new unit information will show that Image 1 Version=1.5.3 and that the Application Version=1.5.3. The application CurrentBoot should = the image slot location of 1.5.3, and NextBoot=Latest and Save=Oldest.
The next part of this step is very important. Prior to version 1.5.3 code, the configuration files did not include all modem parameters or any Out Door Unit (ODU) parameters. These parameters are stored in 2 lines in the configuration file. If they are not saved, the modem will go to the default settings, causing the BUC and LNB to turn Off. As a result, the Remote will be lost when the modem firmware is updated.
Select "Configuration" in mode selection and "Get Configuration".
Figure D-8 Select Configuration screen
Save the configuration file. Open it using WordPad. Insure that the lines shown in figure
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