Vipersat Configuration
This mode is designed to accommodate the needs of a remote which will not be continuously connected to the network, but which has the need to be able to make an
Note that the switch occurs as soon as the hub receives an STDMA ACK even though there may not be traffic at that time. The persistence of the link will be determined by the unit’s flag settings.
Refer to Appendix B, "Automatic Switching" for details on this switching mode.
Group ID
The STDMA group ID number defines a group of equipment which will respond to the output of the burst controller. This group is addressable within a network which, in turn, is defined by the network ID number assigned to the
Note: The STDMA group number and the network ID are independent. There can be multiple STDMA groups within a single network.
Figure 3-9 Group ID prompt
The target
Low Data Rate Fast Acquisition
This menu item is a toggle used to enable or disable the Vipersat Burst Fast Acquisition Timing (BFAT) feature that functions at low data rates (64 kbps to 256 kbps). Entering A at the command prompt will toggle this feature On or Off.
This feature requires Base Modem firmware version 1.5.2 or later, together with Router firmware version 1.5.3 or later.
Burstmap Multicast IP
This menu item is used to define the IP address for the Burstmap Multicast that is sent out by the STDMA burst controller at the Hub to all of the associated remotes in that group. This address must be the same for all members of the
Chapter 3 - Using the Command Line Interface (CLI) |