Setting the Mode Switch
•Switch 6 - Forced Download. Changing the position of this switch (i.e., moving the switch from one position to the other) clears download information from NVRAM and forces the 8H02-16 to download a new image file from a BootP server.
After changing the position of switch 6, DO NOT reapply power to the 8H02-16 until there is a station acting as a BootP server, which contains the image file.
After changing the position of switch 6 and restarting the 8H02-16, the 8H02-16 requests a new image download until it either receives a new image or the RESET button on the front panel is pressed. When the RESET button is pressed, the 8H02-16 continues trying to contact a BootP server, but will time out in approximately one minute. If the 8H02-16 times out, the image is downloaded from its FLASH memory.
•Switch 7 - Clear NVRAM. Changing the position of this switch resets NVRAM on either the next power up or the next operation of the front panel RESET switch. All user-entered parameters such as the IP address and Community Names are replaced with the 8H02-16 “Default” configuration settings.
•Switch 8 - Password Defaults. Changing the position of this switch clears user-entered passwords stored in NVRAM, and restores the default passwords. Once the 8H02-16 is reset, the passwords can either be reentered or the default passwords (Public and ENTER or RETURN) may be used.
Do not change the position of switch 8 unless it is necessary to reset the 8H02-16 Super-User configured passwords to their factory default settings.