Port Redirect Function Screen
The following definitions briefly explain each field of the Port Redirect Function screen:
Source Port
Shows which ports are currently set as source ports.
Destination Port
Shows which ports are currently set as destination ports.
Source Port [n] (Selectable)
Allows a selected port [n] to be changed to a source port.
Destination Port [n] (Selectable)
Allows a selected port [n] to be changed to a destination port.
Status (Selectable)
Allows you to add or delete the source and destination ports selected in the Source Port [n] and Destination Port [n] fields.
6.17.1 Displaying the Source and Destination Entries
There can be more than one Port Redirect Function screen depending on the number of port redirect entries. Each screen displays up to 10 port redirect entries. If there is more than one screen of redirect entries, the Next and/or Previous command is displayed at the bottom of the screen, allowing the user to navigate to either the next or previous screen.
For example, with three screens of entries, the Next command appears at the bottom of the first screen. In the second screen, the Next and Previous commands are displayed. In the last screen, only the Previous command is displayed.
To display the next screen, use the arrow keys to highlight Next. Press ENTER and the next screen of entries is displayed.
To display the previous screen, use the arrow keys to highlight Previous. Press ENTER to view the entries in the previous screen.