Glossary | 155 |
Hold Time The length of time that a microphone remains on after the voice (input) level drops below the gate ratio. This can be used to prevent the microphone from gating off during brief pauses in speech.
Last Mic Mode Sets the
On setting leaves the
Macro A series of
Macro Mode The
Manual Gating Provides the ability to gate a microphone on or off manually.
Matrix Mixer A mixer that allows routing of any input or combination of inputs to an output or any combination of outputs. In the case of the XAP 400, the matrix mixer permits level control at each cross point in the matrix.
Matrix Screen The Matrix Screen facilitates the routing of any input to any output or combination of outputs.
Maximum Number of Mics Sets the maximum number of mics that can be gated
on simultaneously.
Microphone Activation A condition in which a microphone is gated on.
Microphone Mixing A situation in which audio from mics on different signal lines are mixed together. All mic signals can be mixed to one signal line, any or all outputs, or mixed into separate groups. Mic signals can also be processed together or individually.
Microphone 1 Mode Reverts mic assignment to a designated mic when all mics
gate off.
Min/Max adjust The yellow and blue upper and lower limit arows on gain scales are used to create minimum and maximum gain level limits. These limits only apply when using relative gain commnds; absolute gain commands can exceed the min and max limits. Min and max limits apply to all serially connected control devices and preven users from adjusting levels beyond the min/max levels provided relative gain commands are used.
Mixer mode The mixer mode has two settings: master and slave. Mixer mode can be configured from the front panel or in the Unit Properties window.
Mute A condition in which an audio signal is attenuated below the audible