5.7 Upgrading Memory Channel Adapters
If you have a TruCluster Server configuration with redundant MC1 interconnects and want to upgrade to MC2 interconnects, you can do so without shutting down the entire cluster.
When rolling from MC1 interconnects, which use 128 MB Memory Channel address space, to MC2, which uses either 128 or 512 MB Memory Channel address space, all Memory Channel adapters must be operating at 128 MB Memory Channel address space (the default) until the last adapter has been changed. At that time the address space can be increased to 512 MB if all MC2 adapters are jumpered for 512 MB.
This section covers adding a Memory Channel interconnect and the following rolling upgrade situations:
•Dual, redundant MC1 interconnects in virtual hub mode (Table
•Dual, redundant MC1 interconnects in standard hub mode (Table
The figures following Table 5–4 provide two sequences that you can follow while carrying out the steps of Table 5–4. Figure 5–2 shows a dual, redundant virtual hub configuration using MC1 hardware being upgraded to MC2. Figure 5–3 through Figure 5–8 show a three-node standard hub configuration being upgraded from MC1 to MC2.
______________________ Note _______________________
When you upgrade from dual, redundant MC1 hardware to dual, redundant MC2 hardware, you must replace all the MC1 hardware on one interconnect before you start on the second interconnect (except as described in step 4 of Table
Memory Channel adapters jumpered for 512 MB may require a minimum of 512 MB physical RAM memory. Ensure that your system has enough physical memory to support the upgrade. For two MC2 Memory Channel adapters, you will need more than 1 GB of physical memory.