Compare the show pk* command display in Example
•The NCR 53C810 SCSI controllers as ncr0 and ncr1 with disk DKa and
DKb (pka and pkb)
•The Qlogic ISP1020 devices (KZPBA-CBs) as isp0 and isp1 with disks
DKc and DKd (pkc and pkd)
The pk*0_soft_term environment variable applies to systems using the QLogic ISP1020 SCSI controller, which implements the
The QLogic ISP1020 module has two terminators, one for the 8 low bits and one for the high 8 bits. There are five possible values for pk*0_soft_term:
•off — Turns off both the low 8 bits and high 8 bits
•low — Turns on the low 8 bits and turns off the high 8 bits
•high — Turns on the high 8 bits and turns off the low 8 bits
•on — Turns on both the low 8 bits and high 8 bits
•diff — Places the bus in differential mode