Cabling the DLT MiniLibraries
You must make the following connections to render the DLT MiniLibrary system operational:
•Expansion unit to the motor mechanism: The motor mechanism cable is about 1 meter long and has a
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This cable is not shown in Figure
•Robotics control cables from each base module to the expansion unit: These cables have a
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It does not matter which interface connector a base module is connected to.
•SCSI bus connection to the expansion unit robotics: Connect the shared SCSI bus that will control the robotics to one of the SCSI connectors on the expansion unit with a BN21K (or BN21L) cable. Terminate the SCSI bus with an
•SCSI bus connection to each of the base module tape drives: Connect a shared SCSI bus to one of the DLT1 or DLT2 SCSI connectors on each of the base modules with BN21K (or BN21L) cables. Terminate the other DLT1 or DLT2 SCSI bus connection with an
You can daisy chain between DLT1 and DLT2 (if present) with a