See “Setting the Power-on Password” in Chapter 2 for instructions on how to set a power-on password and enable network server mode.


If your hard disk drive has a partition larger than 32MB, you must use the MS-DOS SHARE command to install file sharing and locking protection in a network environment. See your MS-DOS Reference Manual for more information about SHARE.

If you do not install SHARE, the following message flashes on your screen after you install your networking software and reboot your computer:

WARNING! SHARE should, be loaded for

large media

Using a Password in Network Server Mode

After you enable network server mode and boot the system from the hard disk, you see the following prompt:


You do not see the key prompt (% ) even though the computer is waiting for you to enter the correct password.


if you are using version 4.01 of MS-DOS and you installed

the Shell program, you see the Shell Start Programs menu instead of the C:\> prompt. If you boot your computer from the Reference diskette, you see the Operation Menu instead of the C:\> prompt. In either case, enter your password using the procedure described below.

Enhancing System Operations 4-11