8.When the computer displays the Screen Sizing menu, select B (for width), type 132, and press Enter. Press X in each menu to exit from the installation program.

9.The installation program asks whether you want to save the new configuration. At the prompt, press Y. The installation program saves the new configuration in the file you specified in step 4, and the computer displays the MS-DOS command prompt.

Running WordStar 4.0 and 5.0

To run WordStar 4.0 or 5.0 in 132 columns, you need to specify 132-column text mode prior to starting WordStar. You do this using the VGAMODE program. (See “VGAMODE Utility Program,” later in this appendix, for instructions on installing VGAMODE.) After installing VGAMODE, follow these steps:

1.Type the command below and press Enter to specify

132-column text mode:

VGAMODE 132, 25

2.Type the following and press Enter to start WordStar.


After you exit WordStar, if you want to return to 80-column mode, type the following and press Enter:

VGAMODE 80, 25

A-34 Using the VGA Utilities