Logical disk drive
A subdivision of a physical disk drive, which
Main system board
The board built into your computer containing the circuitry the computer requires to operate.
Math coprocessor
An optional device that enables the computer to process certain mathematical calculations faster.
Monochrome/Color Graphics Adapter. A type of display adapter that runs either a monochrome or color graphics monitor.
Monochrome Display Adapter. A type of display adapter that displays text in only one color, such as green or amber.
Megabyte (MB)
A unit used to measure storage space in a computer’s memory or on a disk. One megabyte equals 1024KB.
Megahertz (MHz)
A unit used to measure oscillation frequency (of a computer’s internal timing clock). A megahertz is one million cycles per second. The Equity 386SX PLUS operates at 16 MHz or simulates an 8 MHz operating speed.
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