1.Use the instructions in your GEM documentation to install GEM, version 2.2, with the standard VGA screen driver.

Insert the GEM 2.2 System Master Disk in drive A and log onto drive A. Type the following and press Enter:


Follow the instructions displayed on the screen to complete the GEM installation.

2.Follow the steps below to create a GEM driver pack disk. First, remove the Master disk from drive A and insert a blank diskette.

3.Format the diskette using the MS-DOS FORMAT command or the Epson MENU Utility. (See your MS-DOS Reference Manual for instructions.) FORMAT prompts you for a volume label by displaying the following:

Volume label (11 characters, Enter for none?)

Type the following in uppercase letters and press Enter:


Remove the blank, formatted diskette.

4.Insert the Utility 1 diskette and log onto drive A. Type the following and press Enter:


The screen displays the message below:

Insert diskette for drive B: and press any key when ready

Using the VGA Utilities A-17