Installing the Drivers

Use the instructions in your AutoCAD documentation to install the program on your hard disk. To install the drivers, follow the steps below:

1.Copy the AutoCAD 2.62 driver files from your Utility 2 diskette to the directory on your hard disk containing the AutoCAD program. Log onto your AutoCAD directory. To copy the files, insert the Utility 2 diskette in drive A; then type the following and press Enter:


2.Before running AutoCAD, you must load the display driver into the computer’s memory. First, log onto your AutoCAD directory. Then type the display driver program name at the MS-DOS command prompt and press Enter. This starts the driver program.

For example, to load the 800 x 600, 16-color graphics driver into memory, type the following and press Enter:


You can install the driver automatically each time you turn on or reset your computer by placing the command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. To modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to load the 800 x 600, 16-color graphics driver, follow these steps:

1.Type C : \ and press Enter to log onto the root directory of your hard disk.

2.Type the following and press Enter:


A-10 Using the VGA Utilities