9.Choose one of the following drivers from the Text Display menu:

0 VGA 82C451 (80 x 50) Cl VGA 82C451 (132 x 25) Cl VGA 82C451 (132 x 50).


Although the menu displays 82C451, it should read 82C452.

10.After selecting the appropriate driver, select Return to menu.

1 1 . S e l e c t S a v e c h a n g e s .

12.The menu prompts you for the name of your new Lotus configuration file. Lotus uses a default name in the prompt. (For example, the name is 123 for Lotus 1-2-3). Change this name to a filename that indicates the resolution of the driver in the file.

For example, if you installed the 132 column by 25 line driver, you could name this file 132X25. Or, if you installed the 80 by 50 driver, you might name the file 80X50.

13.Exit the Lotus installation program by selecting Exit from the main installation menu.

If you use a name other than 123 as the filename for

Lotus l-2-3, you must include your filename on the command line you enter to start Lotus l-2-3. For example, if you named your driver set 132X25, type the following command and press Enter to start Lotus 1-2-3:

1 2 3 1 3 2 X 2 5 . S E T

A-30 Using the VGA Utilities