6.The Windows Setup program displays A :. Type the following and press Enter:


7.Windows Setup then asks you to choose a display driver. Use the arrow keys to select one of the following and press


640 x 480 16 colors for PC/AT or PS/2 with CHIPS 82C452 (25 MHz)

800 x 600 16 colors for PC/AT or PS/2 with CHIPS 82C452 (40 MHz)

8.Follow the instructions in your Windows documentation and in the Windows Setup menus to complete the installation procedure. When you run Windows/386, the program uses the extended graphics mode you selected.

Microsoft/IBM OS/2, Version 1.1

The OS/2 drivers support these resolutions:

D640 x 480 16-color graphics CI 800 x 600 16-color graphics.

Installing the Drivers

To install either of these drivers, follow the steps below:

1.If you have not installed OS/2, version 1.1, follow the instructions in your OS/2 manual to install it. Configure OS/2 for a standard VGA driver.

Using the VGA Utilities A-7