800 x 600 16.color graphics:
CI 80 x 25
LI 80 x 50
Cl 132 x 25
Cl 132 x 50
Installing the Drivers
You install the driver when you install the Framework II program. If you have already installed Framework II, you must reinstall it along with the driver. Follow these steps:
1.Use the instructions in the Framework documentation to run the Framework Setup program and install Framework II. Choose option 1 for first time installation.
2.Exit Framework Setup.
3.Copy the driver you want to install from the directory called FW2 on the Utility 1 diskette to the directory on the hard disk containing the Framework II program.
4.Run the Framework Setup program again, using the copy of the Setup program in your Framework II directory on the hard disk.
5.Select the following:
All other uses of the setup program
6.On the next screen, select option 2 again. If this option does not correspond to your setup, follow the
Using the VGA Utilities