System Administration 89
OPERANDS The following operands are supported:
env [-elt] [target [sensors]]
Displays a summary of an External I/O Expansion Unit or link card’s
environmental state.
-e Displays electrical states: measured voltage, current, fan
speed, switch settings.
-l Displays LED states.
-t Displays thermal readings.
target See target in OPTIONS for a general description and the
text below for information specific to env.
sensors Specifies sensors about which data is to be displayed. If
not specified, information about all sensors is shown.
Cannot be used without target.
If no -e, -l, or -t option is specified, the command displays all sensor
information. If no sensors are specified, the command displays information
about all sensors. If no target is specified, information about all External I/O
Expansion Units is displayed.
If you specify a box_id as the target, env displays a list of sensor readings for
all FRUs in the specified External I/O Expansion Unit and the attached cards
in the host slot.
If you specify a FRU in an I/O Expansion Unit or a card in a host slot as the
target, env only displays environmentals about that FRU.
The options for env can be used in any combination.
The following information also applies to env and its display:
■Results are displayed in tabular format. Each FRU sensor is listed in the
first column. The second column shows the sensor name, such as
T_AMBIENT for ambient temperature, or V_12V_0V for the voltage reading
of the 12V rail. The third, fourth, and fifth columns display the sensor
reading (Value), sensor resolution (Res), and Units, respectively. See
■Each FRU can have a variety of different sensors. When specifying
multiple values for sensors, use spaces to separate the values. Possible
values for sensors can be seen in the Sensor column of EXAMPLE 1. Units
are given in Celsius degrees, Volts, Amperes, SWITCH and RPM.
■The sensors names are FRU-dependent and may change from FRU type to
FRU type and even among individual FRUs.