System Administration 303
NAME settimezone - set the time zone and Daylight Saving Time of XSCF
SYNOPSIS settimezone -c settz -s timezone
settimezone -c settz -a [-M]
settimezone -c adddst -b std -o offset -d dst [-p offset] -f date [ /time] -t date
[ /time]
settimezone -c deldst -b std -o offset
settimezone -h
DESCRIPTION The settimezone(8) command sets the time zone and Daylight Saving Time of
The time zone provided by default is pursuant to POSIX standard.
Privileges You m ust h ave platadm or fieldeng privileges to run this command.
Refer to setprivileges(8) for more information.
OPTIONS The following options are supported:
-a Lists the time zones that can be set.
-c settz Sets the time zone which complies with POSIX standards. The
time zone is applied immediately after the settimezone(8)
command executed.
-c adddst Manually sets the time zone and Daylight Saving Time. Daylight
Saving Time complies with the data of time zone which has been
specified by using the -b, -o, -d, -p, -f and -t options. In case
you set the time zone manually, the time zone data which set by
using the "-c settz" option will be ignored. When you execute
the settimezone(8) command and then execute the login
procedures to XSCF, the configuration will be applied.
-c deldst Deletes the time zone and Daylight Saving Time which set
manually. After the deletion of Daylight Saving Time which set
manually, XSCF starts operating with the time zone set by using
the "-c settz" option. When you execute the settimezone(8)
command and then execute the login procedures to XSCF, the
configuration will be applied.
-b std Specifies the abbreviations of time zone. For std, specify an
abbreviation of 3 letters or more. You can specify it in the format
which complies with RFC2822. Specify this option in
combination with "-c adddst" or "-c deldst."