System Administration 221
NAME setldapssl - configure LDAP/SSL
SYNOPSIS setldapssl enable|disable
setldapssl loadcert [[-q] -{y|n}] [-i n] [-u username] [-p proxy [-t proxy_type]]
setldapssl loadcert [[-q] -{y|n}] [-i n] console
setldapssl rmcert [[-q] -{y|n}] [-i n]
setldapssl group administrator -i n name [ groupname]
setldapssl group operator -i n name [ groupname]
setldapssl group custom -i n name [ groupname]
setldapssl group custom -i n roles [ privileges]
setldapssl userdomain -i n [ domainname ]
setldapssl defaultrole [ privileges]
setldapssl timeout seconds
setldapssl server [-i n] [ ipaddr [: port]]
setldapssl logdetail none|high|medium|low|trace
setldapssl log [[-q] -{y|n}] clear
setldapssl strictcertmode|usermapmode enable|disable
setldapssl usermap attributeInfo|binddn|bindpw|searchbase [ value]
setldapssl default [-q] -{y|n}]
setldapssl -h
DESCRIPTION setldapssl(8) configures LDAP/SSL. To enable or disable LDAP/SSL, execute
only the command and one of those operands. To enable or disable LDAP/SSL
strictcertrmode or usermapmode, specify the mode along with enable or disable.
To clear or unset a property, issue a setldapssl command with no value for the
operand. For example, setldapssl group custom -i 1 name clears the name
property from custom group 1, and setldapssl usermap searchbase clears
the searchbase property from the optional user mapping settings. If a property is
not set, it is displayed with no value.
Privileges You m ust h ave useradm privileges to run this command.
Refer to setprivileges(8) for more information.