320 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised November 2009
OPERANDS The following operands are supported:
EXAMPLES EXAMPLE 1 Displays the current state of the active directory.
EXAMPLE 2 Displays certificate information for the Primary server.
-C Appends to end of output the number of records in the log.
-E Specifies the last record number to display, where
end_record_number can be any record number in the log. Use -C
to obtain the number of records in the log.
-M Displays text by page, like the more(1) command does.
-S Specifies the first record to display, where start_record_number
can be any record number in the log. Use -C to obtain the
number of records in the log.
cert Display current server certificates.
log Display diagnostic messages.
group administrator Display current group configurations.
group operator Display current group configurations.
group custom Display current group configurations.
userdomain Display current userdomain settings.
dnslocatorquery Display current DNS locator query configuration.
defaultrole Display current defaultrole setting.
server Display current Active Directory server settings.
XSCF> showad
dnslocatormode: disabled
expsearchmode: disabled
state: enabled
strictcertmode: disabled
timeout: 4
XSCF> showad cert
Primary Server:
certstatus = certificate present
issuer = C=US, ST=California, L=San Diego, O=aCompany,
OU=System Group, CN=John User serial number = 0 (00000000)
subject = C=US, ST=California, L=San Diego, O=aCompany,
OU=System Group, CN=John User serial number = 0 (00000000)