2SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised July 2010
exit exit the XSCF shell
flashupdate update the firmware
fmadm fault management configuration tool
fmdump view fault management logs
fmstat report fault management module statistics
getflashimage download a firmware image file
ioxadm manage External I/O Expansion Units and add-in cards
that contain Energy Storage Modules and are attached to
the host system
man display manual pages of specified XSCF shell command
moveboard move an eXtended System Board (XSB) from the current
domain to another
nslookup refer to the DNS server for the host
password manage user passwords and expiration settings
ping send the ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to the network
host or the network device
poweroff turn off the power to the specified domain
poweron turn on the power to the specified domain
prtfru display FRUID data on the system and External I/O
Expansion Unit
rebootxscf reset the XSCF
replacefru replace a Field Replaceable Unit (FRU)
reset reset the specified domain
resetdateoffset reset time of domains to match system time
restoreconfig restore the system configuration information previously
saved by dumpconfig
restoredefaults delete the setting and the log information that stored in the
server or the XSCF unit, and restore it to the state as of the
factory shipment
sendbreak send a break signal to the specified domain
setad configure Active Directory
setaltitude set the altitude of the system or whether or not the air filter