Intro 1
NAME Intro - list the commands provided by the XSCF firmware
DESCRIPTION Intro(8) command lists the commands provided by the XSCF firmware of the
SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 servers.
Some commands are used in a different way or not supported on your server. For
details, refer to the pages of each command.
In XSCF, the following commands are provided:
Intro, intro list the commands provided by the XSCF firmware
addboard configure an eXtended System Board(XSB) into the domain
configuration or assigns it to the domain configuration
addcodactivation add a Capacity on Demand (COD) activation key to the
COD Hardware Acti vation database
addcodlicense add a Capacity on Demand (COD) right-to-use (RTU)
license key to the COD license database
addfru add a Field Replaceable Unit (FRU)
adduser create an XSCF user account
applynetwork apply XSCF network information to the XSCF
cfgdevice connect a CD-RW/DVD-RW and TAPE drive unit to the
port, disconnect it from the port, or display the status of the
clockboard set or display the clock control unit used at system startup
console connect to a domain console
deleteboard disconnect an eXtended System Board (XSB) from the
domain configuration
remove a Capacity on Demand (COD) activation key from
the COD Hardware Activation database
deletecodlicense remove a Capacity on Demand (COD) right-to-use (RTU)
license key from the COD license database
deletefru delete a Field Replaceable Unit (FRU)
deleteuser delete an XSCF user account
disableuser disable an XSCF user account
dumpconfig save system configuration information to a file
enableuser enable an XSCF user account