304 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised August 2009
-d dst Specifies the zone name of Daylight Saving Time. For dst, specify
the alphabets of 3 letters or more. You can specify it in the format
which complies with RFC2822. Specify this option in
combination with "-c adddst."
-f date [/time] Specifies the starting time of Daylight Saving Time. It should be
specified in the same format as date in the -t option. You can
specify date in any of the following formats.
Mm: Specifies the month to start Daylight Saving Time. For m,
you can specify any integer from 1 to 12.
w: Specifies the week to start Daylight Saving Time. You can
specify the integer from 1 to 5, "1" for the first week and "5"
for the last week in the month.
d: Specifies the day of the week to start Daylight Saving Time.
You can specify the integer from 0 to 6, "0" for Sunday and "6"
for Saturday.
Jn: Specifies the sequential day in the year to start Daylight
Saving Time. You can specify the integer from 1 to 365, "1" for
January 1st. It does not count the leap-year day. If you
specified 365, it corresponds to December 31st even in a leap
n: Specifies the sequential day in the year to start Daylight
Saving Time. You can specify the integer from 1 to 365, "1" for
January 2nd. It counts the leap-year day.
In time, you specify the time. You can specify it in the following
hh:mm:ss Specifies the time in "hh:mm:ss" format. hh is
00–23, mm is 00–59, ss is 00–60. In case
omitted, "02:00:00."
-h Displays usage statement. When used with other options or
operands, an error occurs.
-M Displays text by page. This option provides a function that is the
same as that of the more command.