System Administration 219
EXAMPLE 3 Setting the LDAP Timeout
EXAMPLE 4 Setting the LDAP Server
EXAMPLE 5 Importing a Certificate
EXAMPLE 6 Testing the LDAP connection
XSCF> setldap -T 60
XSCF> showldap
Bind Name: user
Base Distinguished Name: ou=people,dc=company,dc=com
LDAP Search Timeout: 60
Bind Password: Set
LDAP Servers: None
XSCF> setldap -s ldap://company.com,ldaps://company2.com
XSCF> showldap
Bind Name: user
Base Distinguished Name: ou=people,dc=company,dc=com
LDAP Search Timeout: 60
Bind Password: Set
LDAP Servers: ldap://company.com:389 ldaps://company2.com:636
XSCF> setldap -c user@remote.machine:/path/to/cacert.pem
XSCF> showldap
Bind Name: user
Base Distinguished Name: ou=people,dc=company,dc=com
LDAP Search Timeout: 60
Bind Password: Set
LDAP Servers: ldap://company.com:389 ldaps://company2.com:636
CERTS: cacert.pem
XSCF> setldap -t jsmith
company.com:389 PASSED