496 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised August 2009
■The settimezone(8) command sets the time zone of the XSCF.
EXAMPLES EXAMPLE 1 Displays the time zone.
EXAMPLE 2 Displays the Daylight Saving Time information as follows: the abbreviation
of time zone is JST, the offset from GMT is +9, the name of Daylight Saving
Time is JDT, Daylight Saving Time is 1 hour ahead, and the time period is
from the last Sunday of March 2:00 to the last Sunday of October 2:00.
EXAMPLE 3 Displays the Daylight Saving Time information as follows: the abbreviation
of time zone is JST, the offset from GMT is +9, the name of Daylight Saving
Time is JDT, Daylight Saving Time is 1 hour ahead, and the time period is
from the first Sunday of April 0:00 to the first Sunday of September 0:00.
EXAMPLE 4 Displays the Daylight Saving Time information that has been set in the cur-
rent time zone by default.
EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned:
SEE ALSO se tdate(8), settimezone(8), showdate(8)
dst dst name
XSCF> showtimezone -c tz
XSCF> showtimezone -c dst -m custom
XSCF> showtimezone -c dst
XSCF> showtimezone -c dst -m standard
From: Sun Mar 9 03:00:00 2008 PDT
To: Sun Nov 2 01:59:59 2008 PDT
0Successful completion.
>0 An error occurred.