92 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised April 2010
EXAMPLES EXAMPLE 1 Display temperature, voltage, current, and fan-speed sensor readings
poweron target
Restores full power to an I/O boat or reenables output from the power
supply (PS) that has previously been marked ready-to-remove. When a PSU is
newly installed and the power switch is in the on position, or a boat is
connected to a powered link card, they automatically power themselves on.
However, this command can be used to power a PSU or I/O boat back on that
previously had been powered down for removal as long as the power switch
is in the on position.
reset target
Reinitializes FRU components used to monitor External I/O Expansion Unit
environmentals. If a boat or link card is specified, the bridge controllers in
the link cards are reset and re-initialized. If a box is specified, the fan
controller and demux in the box are reset and re-initialized along with all
bridge controllers associated with the External I/O Expansion Unit.
setled [on|off|slow|fast] target led_type
Sets LED state:
off Off.
on On.
fast Fast blink.
slow Slow blink.
Refer to the entry for led_type in this section for detailed information about
LED types.
XSCF> ioxadm env -te iox@A3B5
Location Sensor Value Res Units
IOX@A3B5/PS0 T_AMBIENT 28.000 1.000 C
IOX@A3B5/PS0 T_CHIP 28.000 1.000 C
IOX@A3B5/PS0 T_HOTSPOT 31.000 1.000 C
IOX@A3B5/PS0 V_12V_ANODE 11.703 0.059 V
IOX@A3B5/PS0 V_12V_CATHODE 11.703 0.059 V
IOX@A3B5/PS0 V_ISHARE 0.632 0.040 V