214 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised April 2010
■The size of the file to be generated by sethttps(8) grows with total character
count typed in the operands of configuring the self-certification authority and
creating a self-signed web server certificate, and creating a CSR. If the file to be
generated is too large for XSCF, the command fails with an error. If you see this
error, reduce the number of characters in the operands and execute the
sethttps(8) command again.
■When you use sethttps(8) command to disable the HTTPS service (sethttps
-c disable), the HTTPS service is disabled immediately. At this time, any
opened HTTPS sessions are terminated.
For all other settings using the sethttps(8) command, you must reboot the
XSCF using the rebootxscf(8) command for the changes to take effect.
■Using the showhttps(8) command you can check the current settings in relation
to the HTTPS service.
EXAMPLES EXAMPLE 1 Starts the HTTPS service.
EXAMPLE 2 Stops the HTTPS service.
EXAMPLE 3 Creates a CSR with the following settings: country: JP, state|province: Kanaga-
wa, locality: Kawasaki, organization: Example, organizationalunit: develop-
ment, common: scf-host, e-mail: abc@example.com
EXAMPLE 4 Creates the self-certification authority with the following settings, and creates
a self-signed web server certificate:country: JP, state|province: Kanagawa, lo-
cality: Kawasaki, organization: Example, organizationalunit: development, com-
mon: scf-host, e-mail: abc@example.com
XSCF> sethttps -c enable
Continue? [y|n] :y
Please reset the XSCF by rebootxscf to apply the https settings.
XSCF> sethttps -c disable
XSCF> sethttps -c gencsr JP Kanagawa Kawasaki Example development
\ scf-host abc@example.com
XSCF> sethttps -c selfsign JP Kanagawa Kawasaki Example development
scf-host abc@example.com
CA key and CA cert already exist. Do you still wish to update? [y|n] :y
Enter passphrase:
Verifying - Enter passphrase: