System Administration 431
Date: Log collection date and time (month day hour:minute:second
time-zone year)
The displayed time is the local time.
Code:Error code
Data is displayed in 16-byte format.
Occurred: Date (Month Day Hour: Minute: Second TimeZone Year) when an
error occurred.
This date is displayed as the local time.
Status: Error status
One of the following states is displayed:
Warning Partial degradation of the unit or warning
about the FRU
Alarm FRU failure or error
Information Notification
Notice System state notification
FRU: Suspected faulty unit
The suspected faulty units that are displayed and delimited by a
"," (comma) are the units most likely and second most likely to
be faulty. If there are three suspected faulty units, an "*" is
displayed next to the unit third most likely to be faulty. Display
of more than two suspected faulty units depends on whether
more than two suspected faulty units are detected.
Msg: Error description
Detailed error code
The displayed code is a hexadecimal number.
UUID: Abbreviation for Universal Unique Identifier
This is a globally unique ID that is a 32-digit hexadecimal