154 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised February 2010
EXAMPLE 6 Configures user domain 2. <USERNAME> is a template that must be entered
exactly as shown. During authentication the user’s login name replaces
<USERNAME>. userdomain can take the form of UPN or Distinguished
Name (DN).
EXAMPLE 7 Loads a server certificate for Active Directory using the specified URI.
EXAMPLE 8 Loads a server certificate for Active Directory using an http Proxy Server with
port 8080 .
EXAMPLE 9 Loads a server certificate for Active Directory using a username and pass-
EXAMPLE 10 Removes the certificate for alternate server 3.
EXAMPLE 11 Sets logging of high-severity diagnostic messages.
EXAMPLE 12 Clears diagnostic messages from the log file, answering Yes to all prompts.
EXAMPLE 13 Enables strictcertmode.
EXAMPLE 14 Configures the dnslocatorquery configuration. service represents the DNS
query to be performed. The port ID is generally part of the record, but you can
override it by using the format <PORT:portnumber>. Also, named services
specific for the domain being authenticated can be specified by using the
XSCF> setad userdomain -i 2
XSCF> setad loadcert http://domain_2/UID_2333/testcert
XSCF> setad loadcert -p
XSCF> setad loadcert -u yoshi
XSCF> setad rmcert -i 3
XSCF> setad logdetail high
XSCF> setad log -y clear
XSCF> setad strictcertmode enable