166 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised September 2008
OPERANDS The following operands are supported:
EXAMPLES EXAMPLE 1 Changing Classes Using Names
Auditing for LOGIN and AUDIT classes has been disabled. Auditing for READ class
is enabled.
EXAMPLE 2 Changing Classes Using Numbers
Auditing for classes 8 (LOGIN) and 16 (AUDIT) has been disabled. Auditing for class
1 (SYSTEM) is enabled.
EXAMPLE 3 Changing Classes and Enabling an Event
Auditing is enabled for all of Class 1 (SYSTEM) except for event 64 (USER) is
EXAMPLE 4 Enabling Auditing
Turns on writing of the audit records for the audit trail.
EXAMPLE 5 Enabling Warnings
archive Notifies the log archiving facility to archive the current audit trail.
delete Delete the portion of the local audit trail in the secondary
partition. This can be used to free space for new audit records if
the local audit trail becomes full. For more information on the
secondary partition, refer to the Administration Guide for your
disable Turns off the writing of audit records to the audit trail and
notifies the log archiving facility to archive the current audit trail.
enable Turns on the writing of audit records to the audit trail.
XSCF> setaudit -c LOGIN,AUDIT=disable -c ACS_READ=enable
XSCF> setaudit -c 8,16=disable -c 1=enable
XSCF> setaudit -c 1=enable -e 64=disable
XSCF> setaudit enable
XSCF> setaudit -t 50,75