404 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised April 2010EXAMPLE 5 Displays the information of the FRUs in the M3000 server (in case of AC pow-
er supply). | Type:4B; Size:4 GB; | ( 32) |
| IOU | 8 |
| XSCFU_B | 2 |
| XBU_B | 8 |
| CLKU_B | 2 |
| OPNL | 1 |
| PSU | 15 |
| FANBP_A | 1 |
| FANBP_B | 1 |
| FAN_A | 16 |
| SWBP | 1 |
| MEDBP | 1 |
XSCF> showhardconf
SPARC Enterprise M3000;
+ Serial:BE80601016; Operator_Panel_Switch:Service;
+ Power_Supply_System:Single; SCF-ID:XSCF#0;
+ System_Power:Off; System_Phase:Cabinet Power Off;
Domain#0 Domain_Status:Powered Off;
MBU_A Status:Normal; Ver:0101h; Serial:7867000269 ;
+ FRU-Part-Number:CF00541-0493 0040 /541-0493-00-40 ;
+ CPU Status:Normal;
+ Freq:2.520 GHz; Type:32;
+ Core:4; Strand:2;
+ Memory_Size:8 GB;
MEM#0A Status:Normal;
+ Code:00000000000000c14572T128000HR3.7A 2b25-20541204;
+ Type:1A; Size:1 GB;