Intro 3
setarchiving configure the log archiving functionality
setaudit manage the system auditing functionality
setautologout set the session timeout time of the XSCF shell
setcod set up the Capacity on Demand (COD) resources used for
setdate set the date and time of XSCF
setdcl set a domain component list (DCL)
setdomainmode set a domain mode
setdomparam forcibly rewrite OpenBoot PROM environment variables
setdscp set the IP address assignments for the Domain to Service
Processor Communications Protocol (DSCP)
setdualpowerfeed set dual power feed mode
setemailreport set up the email report configuration data
sethostname set a host name and domain name for an XSCF unit
sethttps start or stop the HTTPS service, which is used in the XSCF
network. This command also performs authentication-
related settings
setldap configure the Service Processor as a Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol (LDAP) client
setldapssl configure LDAP/SSL
setlocale set the default locale of the XSCF
setlocator control the blinking of the CHECK LED on the operator
setloginlockout enable or disable login lockout feature
setlookup enable or disable the use of the Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol (LDAP) server for authentication and
privilege lookup
setnameserver set the domain name system (DNS) servers and the DNS
search paths used in the XSCF network
setnetwork set or remove the network interface that used in XSCF
setntp set the NTP servers used on the XSCF network, the stratum
value, the preferred server and the clock address of the
local clock of XSCF